Board of Directors

Johan Westman
Chairman of the Board
- Born: 1973
- Employed: 2019, Chairman since 2021
- Education: M.Sc. Industrial Engineering and Management
- Holdings: 0 shares
- Independence: Independent in relation to the Company, the Company management and the Company’s major shareholders.
- Other Positions: CEO and President AAK and member of the Board Thule

Joakim Westh
Member of the Board and co-founder
- Born: 1961
- Employed: 1993
- Education: M.Sc. Aeronautics and M.Sc. Aerospace Engineer
- Holdings: 1,417,500 shares
- Independence: Dependent in relation to the Company, the Company management and the Company’s major shareholders
- Other Positions: Chairman of the Board Amexci and member of the Board SAAB and Westh Ventures

Märta Schörling Andreen
Member of the Board
- Born: 1984
- Employed: 2017
- Education: M.Sc. Business Administration
- Holdings: 6,318,502 shares (via Mexab Industri AB)
- Independence: Independent in relation to the Company and Company management but dependent in relation to the Company’s major shareholders
- Other Positions: Member of the Board Melker Schörling, Hexagon, HEXPOL and AAK

Nils-Johan Andersson
Member of the Board
- Born: 1962
- Employed: 2023
- Education: M.Sc. Business Administration
- Holdings: 300 shares
- Independence: Independent in relation to the Company and Company management but dependent in relation to the Company’s major shareholders
- Other Positions: CEO Melker Schörling AB and member of the Board HEXPOL, AAK and Greenbridge

Malin Persson
Member of the Board
- Born: 1968
- Employed: 2023
- Education: M.Sc. Industrial Engineering and Management
- Holdings: 2,500 shares
- Independence: Independent in relation to the Company, the Company management and the Company’s major shareholders
- Other Positions: CEO Accuracy AB and member of the Board of, among others, HEXPOL, Peab and Ricardo PLC

Lars-Henrik Jörnving
Member of the Board
- Born: 1964
- Employed: 2024
- Education: M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
- Holdings: 300 shares
- Independence: Independent in relation to the Company, the Company management and the Company’s major shareholders
- Other Positions: Vice President and Head of Global Industrial Development at Scania. Chairman of the Board Södertälje Science Park and member of the Board of, among others, Amexci and Sweweld