Nomination Committee
The 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) resolved to establish a nomination committee and to adopt instructions for the appointment of the nomination committee and its work. According to the instruction, the nomination committee shall consist of representatives of the three largest shareholders or groups of shareholders registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB on September 30 of the year preceding the year in which the AGM is held. The Chairman of the Board shall convene the nomination committee for its first meeting and shall also be co-opted to the nomination committee. In the event that a shareholder refrains from appointing a member to the nomination committee, a member shall be appointed by the next largest shareholder.
If one or more shareholders who have appointed members of the nomination committee subsequently cease to be among the three largest shareholders or groups of shareholders, the members appointed by them shall make their seats available, and the shareholder or shareholders who have become one of the three largest shareholders or groups of shareholders shall be entitled to appoint their representatives in accordance with the principles set out in the instructions for the nomination committee. No remuneration shall be paid to the members for their work on the nomination committee.
The nomination committee shall submit proposals for the Chairman and other members of the Board, fees and other remuneration for Board assignments to each of the Board members and remuneration for committee work. The nomination committee shall also submit proposals for the election and remuneration of the auditor, the Chairman of the AGM and, to the extent deemed necessary, proposals for adjustments to the nomination committee's instructions.
The composition of the nomination committee for the 2025 AGM is as follows:
- Sofia Schörling Högberg (Chairman of the nomination committee), Mexab Industri AB
- Joakim Westh, Westh Ventures AB
- Carl Sundblad, Cliens Fonder
The company's Chairman of the Board, Johan Westman, has been co-opted to the nomination committee.
Shareholders who wish to contact the nomination committee may send a letter addressed to Absolent Air Care Group AB (publ), Att: Nomination Committee, Västra Hamngatan 10, 411 17 Gothenburg, Sweden, or by e-mail to ir@absolentgroup.com.