Absolent contributed to energy savings of 83% by cleaning process air
Danfoss is a global company active within heating and cooling industries among other. Danfoss is represented in more than 100 countries and has its headquarters in Denmark. Danfoss initiated a major energy-saving program in 2013, in which Absolent has played an important role. Absolent has installed 44 filter units in one plant, which cleans over 138,000 m³/h. Thanks to Absolent filter units and other smart installations for air treatment, energy savings of 83% have been achieved. Following the successful result, Danfoss has decided to invest in an additional 39 Absolent filter units for its German plants, totalling 112,000 m³/h, which will be installed in early 2020.
End user: Danfoss
Country: Denmark
Application: Machining
Filter solution: A•smoke, A•mist, A•line filter units
Total airflow: 138 000 m3/h